There are an increasing number of issues that may impact employees’ personal data, particularly since the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
We are regularly facing the following questions:
- What procedure should be followed when installing video surveillance cameras?
- Is geolocation of employees allowed and under which conditions?
- Is it possible to control the use of an employee’s professional e-mail box?
- In case of dismissal, what personal data on the professional computer can be recovered by the employee?
- What rules should be set for the use of internet and social networks during working hours?
- Is it possible to use information obtained from video surveillance footage or social networks to terminate the employment relationship with an employee?
- Does badging involve requirements for the protection of employees’ privacy?
- Is it possible to carry out searches of employees’ personal belongings in order to prevent theft in the workplace?
We can assist you in all these matters. We can also set up the relevant policies and regulations governing the personal data of employees and the use of IT devices within the company.