We assist employers in all social aspects of reorganisations, whether it is a company closure, a collective dismissal (“Loi Renault”), a “multiple” dismissal or a transfer of undertaking (TUPE) (“CBA 32 bis”).
In this context, we are frequently confronted with the following questions:
- When is there a collective dismissal / closure of a company?
- Which procedure needs to be followed in case of collective dismissal?
- What is the role of trade unions in restructuring?
- In case of a company takeover, should the employees of the acquired company be taken over?
- Should the working conditions of transferred employees be maintained in the context of a transfer of undertaking?
- Is it possible to introduce temporary unemployment to avoid restructuring? In which cases is temporary unemployment allowed and under which conditions?
- Should a social plan be concluded in the event of collective dismissal? What should be included in a social plan?
- Which premiums are usually granted in the context of a social plan?
We also assist employees affected by a collective dismissal and/or a closure to enforce their rights in this context.